Sports Injuries – Chiropractors are Often a Good Source of Treatment


Growing numbers of persons are becoming more athletic and exercise-minded. With the in­creased awareness of the preventa­tive effect of regular exercise and the participation in sports against a wide variety of health problems such as heart disease, this increased partici­pation will continue. An age-old side effect of sports and exercise, howev­er, are exercise-related injuries. Most doctors see more exercise-related in­juries than ever before.

The increase in injuries associat­ed with sport and exercise, however, should be kept in perspective. Most injuries are treatable, many are preventable and the benefits of exer­cise almost always outweigh the negative side of injury. While the preventative effects of regular exer­cise on the cardiovascular system are well known, similar positive effects on the joints and muscles have been documented. A study at Stan­ford University found that runners have significantly less disability associated with joint disorders than did non-runners.

The nature of treatment of sport and exercise-related injury is chang­ing. One of the most significant changes in recent years is the emer­gence of chiropractors as important providers of care to the injured ath­letes and exercisers. A recent issue of the medical journal "Clinics in Sports Medicine" attributes the in­creased interest in chiropractic treat­ment for athletes to the high incidence of spinal injuries in sports and exercise, and the success report­ed by many athletes with this type of treatment.

The goal should be for all per­sons to participate in sports or exer­cise on a regular basis. However, a side effect of this goal may be injuries, and commonly, they will be to the spine. Chiropractic treatment is often very effective to the injured ath­lete, returning many to their previous participation level.


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